A restful weekend - NOT!
31 August 2013
Aaah, weekends! Don’t you just love them?
Weekends are supposed to be an
opportunity to brace yourself for the onslaught of the new week. Filled to the brim with challenges. A chance to recharge your battery. To rest.
To relax. To recuperate. To revitalise. To regroup. To reenergise. To revitalise. To have a reprieve. In fact, to
indulge in a whole host of words all starting with “re”.
But sometimes? Things don’t quite work out as planned.
Now I acknowledge, that for me
the dice is loaded, as I have three kids.
And so I have three kids’ activities and schedules to contend with. Still on weekends, I do like to slow down and
take a break from the constant carting of kids up and down. Especially as we live in the Strand, and
simply everything, including school and extra-murals, are in Somerset
West. And this past weekend, I had
really thought I was in with a good shot.
For once, none of the kids had sports matches on Saturday morning. This in itself is a rather novel
concept. Especially in the winter
months, when most Saturday mornings are spent next to a hockey field. My two boys in particular, are hockey mad and
play matches every week. And so it is
not uncommon for Grant and I to head off into different directions, to go and
support our two boys, playing at different schools.
And what possibly makes this past
weekend even more challenging, was the fact that I had looked forward to a
quiet-ish weekend. And exercising my
right to do “re” words. And lots of them. Hey, even reading is a “re”
word. Imagine that!
Still my luck seriously ran
out. Cole had a birthday party on Friday
afternoon between 17h30 and 19h30 in Somerset West. He was so excited about going, as it was
going to be a scientist party at a venue, that specifically caters for parties
of this nature. And so lots of
experiments and mushing of things was on the cards for him. Just a bunch of boys. Still, I suspect Cole had been wishful that
there would be a few girls. He wore his
very best outfit – a red pair of skinny jeans (you don’t understand how skinny
he is already – and so his skinny jeans just serve to amplify this), a smart
top, his favourite sweater and his new takkies.
And to complete his ensemble? He
liberally doused himself with some of Grant’s Dunhill Desire aftershave. I’m sure Thomas’ mother really appreciated
the effort….. Though perhaps he has
cougar ambitions and he’s really set his sights on her?
Quickly dashed home after
dropping Cole off at the party, to fetch Amber and her friend Jemimah (who was
spending the night). And the reason for
this rush, was that we had bought tickets to go and watch a little mini fashion
show hosted by one of the Grade 6 classes, in order to raise money for
charity. Our aim was to be at school by
18h30 already, to get good seats. A very
tight schedule, especially given regular Friday traffic. It allowed me a mere ten minutes at
home. Furthermore, we couldn’t just go
straight up to school, as we had to swing past Jemimah’s house, to fetch her
older sister, as she too was going to go to the fashion show. I really don’t mind, just time was
tight. Fetched the kids, rushed up to
school, quickly dropped them off and dashed down to Checkers to get a few
essentials. Urgh! And I had already done grocery shopping in
the morning, but left a few needed goodies out of my trolley, as I was
rushed. Please bear in mind that I had
to have fed my family by 18h15 already in order to meet my tight schedule. In other words, supper had to be cooked in
the morning. The fashion show was
absolutely charming. Too cute for words
and provided a few lovely laughs. By
9pm, after dropping Jemimah’s sister off at home again, we too were home.
Saturday morning was an early
start with Jumping Castles. Made a
humongous pile of flap jacks for the kids to tuck in to and eventually Luke and
I headed off to a hardware store at the Mall.
And the reason for our excursion?
Well, the reason is Mrs Luckhoff.
Now I’m sure Mrs Luckhoff is a lovely lady. But on this occasion, she has complicated my life. Why?
Well it’s simple - for Luke’s 3rd term Grade 9 Technology
project, he has to build a cantilever bridge.
I. Kid. You.
Not. It has to incorporate at
least two pulley systems, be able to open and close successfully and carry a
load of 500gr. I don’t like Mrs Luckhoff
very much. Is that really a surprise?
We were rather fortunate though,
in that Luke was at least able to team up with a friend, so that they could
slog and struggle through this project together. Term 1 was easy enough, as Luke had to simply
do a written project about cantilever bridges.
Term 2 was a bit more challenging as Luke had to design a cantilever
bridge. And as we know, Term 3 now
yields building a model of a cantilever bridge.
I can but only imagine that Term 4 will require a full scale
effort. Perhaps across the now-flooding
But we were not alone on our
quest. The hardware store was
chock-a-block with a whole bunch of other Grade 9’s too. Running around like headless chickens too. In fact the kind gentleman at Builder’s
Warehouse, who helped us, told me that they have been overrun with PV Grade
9’s. Can’t imagine why? I wonder if Mrs Luckhoff perhaps has a
contact there? A bit of an inside
edge? Luke and some of his mates teamed
up quickly, to try and pool ideas, never mind resources. At R67 a pulley, we quickly realised that we
shall have to make an alternative plan.
The boys, climbed right into the off-cuts skip outside Builders,
rummaging around for any odd bits and pieces they could use. Not surprisingly this took rather long.
Went straight from Builder’s to
home, to fetch Cole (had to ensure he had his hockey gear on first), give Luke
the opportunity to change into his hockey gear, and fetch Amber’s friend
Jemimah, so that I could finally drop her off at home. But the boys weren’t supposed to have
hockey? Well Cole’s kind coach, invited
the kids to have a bonus practice session with some of the dads on the
mini-Astro at PV. She too is a hockey
player, and on Saturday afternoons, when she has a match, the kids are allowed
to have a practice session, given that there are adults supervising. Cole’s little hockey team is incredibly
good. They are a bunch of talented boys
and luckily for these kids, their parents are willing to put in the extra
effort. And so a few dads volunteered to
play along. Even a practice game time is
good for them, and helps to hone their skills and keep them fit. Particularly as the school fields have been
so flooded and regular practice has pretty much ground to a halt. And Interschools against their arch rivals
were looming. I thought that I would
take Luke along, as he too would benefit.
And on this occasion he could fill a mentor role of sorts for the
After their practice session, one
of Cole’s friends asked him for a play date, and so Cole went home with his friend
Josh. Luke I headed off to do a quick
grocery shop and then ambled home, so that Luke could wait for his friend to
arrive. Luke’s buddy would sleep over,
so that they could work on their Afrikaans oral and the dreaded
I was home for about half an
hour, before Luke’s friend got dropped off and I had to get back in the car
again to go and fetch Cole. On my way
home, I quickly stopped off at Flameros take-aways to get delicious spicy
chips, to supplement our steak and salad supper. Yip, the salad I hadn’t yet made.
Sunday proved to be no more
restful. Luke and his friend Keegan,
discovered that they didn’t actually have all the materials that they
needed. And so instead, a plan was
concocted to drop them off at Keegan’s place.
Keegan lives on a farm and has access to sheds, filled with odds and
ends that the boys were sure they could use.
And so, after breakfast, and taking in a returned Jumping Castle, I
hooved the boys over all the way to the very top of Sir Lowry’s to drop them
off. And headed to do grocery shopping
once more.
I was home for about an hour
after that, in which I indulged in a bit of light relief….. Writing Cole’s Afrikaans oral for him and
testing Amber on her History, for the upcoming week’s test. As well, as getting a crack on lunch.
Quickly dashed off again all the
way up Sir Lowry’s to fetch Luke and take him to my friend on the other side of
town. All this in aid of the extra
Afrikaans lesson, he required for his Afrikaans prescribed test the following
I finally got home from all of my
kids carting about and shopping expeditions at 3pm on Sunday. And I was well and truly shattered. We still hadn’t had lunch. And Grant was embroiled in a very exciting
Grand Prix race on TV. I don’t know how
I would cope without his help….. Oh, how
dads slave away…..
The irony of course being that at
15h15, I got an sms from a dear friend, inviting Cole to a game of soccer on
the beach. The same bunch of dads were
going to have some fun with the kids once more.
Now had Cole been an only child,
I might have indulged. But given the
fact that I had put more mileage on my car, than during a 14 hour drive to
Joburg, I graciously declined.
I couldn’t wait for the kids to
go off to school on Monday. As I was
desperate for a break. A breather. A bit of brainless
relaxing. Indulging in deep breathing. Some brandy. In fact, a whole host of words all staring
with “br”.
So what is the moral of the
story? Well, I should clearly do more
forward planning and combine my shopping trips.
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Amber and Jem all dolled up - dressed like twins. Quite accidently, as it turned out that Jemimah packed in an identical outfit to the one Amber had planned to wear in any rate. Gorgeous, cute little gals!
Cole and his mates having a blast on the mini-Astro at PV. Always a highlight for the boys.
The cantilever bridge end product. Hugely impressed if I say so myself.
And it works!!!
My friend, Checkers and I, see far too much of each other