Monday 25 March 2024

Moms are their children's mirror


Moms are their children's mirror

25 March 2024

I randomly read something this morning, that I found extremely profound. And I can’t actually believe that I’ve never really thought of it before.


Moms are their children’s mirror.


Such a simply statement. Yet it moved me so deeply.


Firstly, I think this statement applies equally to dads as well. And having given it some thought, I think that a lot of what we subconsciously do as parents, is based on this principle. And even though I’ve never articulated it as such, it’s certainly a driving factor for me in the way I parent. How I speak to my children, what I speak to them about, how I build them up and praise them, and how I invest in them as people.


The thing is, that once I read this phrase, it struck me with great clarity, that this is exactly what my mom has always practiced. In how she’s parented me, my brother and my sister. And she has also used this with regards to her children’s life partners. Not to mention our children, her grandchildren. Unconditional support and belief in us. In everything. Always.


If my mom is my mirror, then I well and truly hit the biggest jackpot of all. Nobody believes in me more. She loves me unconditionally. And I know that it goes without saying, but I’m one hundred percent sure that I could do anything, or tell her anything, and her love would not waver. Not in the slightest.


She supports my every endeavour. Is enthusiastic about my hobbies and interests. She knows and loves my friends. She encourages me in everything I do. With utter conviction in my abilities. It’s the most wonderful ego trip. Yet I know that she genuinely means it sincerely.


If I look at myself through my mom’s mirror, I am capable of doing anything. I am an awesome parent. A wonderful wife. A phenomenal sister. An incredible friend. A loyal and hardworking employee. I am creative. I am beautiful. I am thoughtful and kind. I’m caring and selfless. I’m considerate of others. I’m mindful of my place in this world and look out for those less fortunate. I am a talented writer and brilliant with words. A magical budding gardener. A fantastic homemaker. A crafting queen. An all round fabulous human being.


And, I like it. I really, really like it.


I love seeing myself through my mom’s mirror. And it is what inspires me daily to live up to the reflection of myself that I see in there, albeit through her eyes. That I’m worthy of those attributes and wonderful qualities.


I know that she most likely does this subconsciously too. The very same way that I do exactly the same with my kids. Building them up with encouragement, support and incredible belief in them and who they are. With true pride and gratitude for the awesome human beings that they are.


I quite simply rejoice in them.


And thus, I do hope that my kids will also see themselves through my mirror. Cause that is who they are.


Beautiful. Worthy. Valued. Special. Incredible.




  1. Oh my word Helene, you are very complimentary here.
    But it is all true - you are all those things, and I am exceptionally proud of the woman, mother, and and and that you are. What a lovely way of seeing it.

  2. Bettie Bertolani25 March 2024 at 22:24

    What a fabulous fabulous blog - so so true!! Such a beautiful way to look at it. We should tell our children, siblings, family and friends , when they feeling bad about themselves - if only you could see yourself as I do.
