Thursday 28 March 2024

For the love of all things red and stripey


For the love of all things red and stripey

28 March 2024

Simply for the very longest time, I have been absolutely obsessed with stripes. And the colour red.


Like, is too mild a word. It just doesn’t pack enough punch. Or accurately describe how much I just gravitate towards it. In any shop, I’m inexplicably drawn to anything stripey or red. It’s like an implanted tracking device, that just steers me to seek it out. I notice stripes and the colour red everywhere. My cupboard bears testament to that exact fact.


So pray tell, where does this come from? How did it start? And most importantly, why? And how come my strive for the colour red and stripes is so overwhelmingly strong?


Surely it’s odd, right. I mean, I get that people like certain things. But how did it start and what was the cause?


And then it hit me. Like a big red, stripey lightbulb.


I’ve got it all figured out. And it’s really quite obvious how it happened. And what led to this strange affliction.


Basically, there are two reasons:


  1. KFC and the Colonel’s secret blend of eleven herbs and spices
  2. Gondolas and my desire to go to Venice


It’s hardly rocket science.


I am obsessed with KFC. It’s hands down my favourite food in the whole world. And let’s keep it real. I’ve got lots of favourites. There’s so much to choose from. A lamb chop on the braai, a delicious salad, biltong, bacon, a roast meal with all of the trimmings, a good curry, a delicious pasta dish. But KFC is top notch stuff. Without equal.


In addition, going for a gondola ride in Venice has been on my bucket list forever. So many people have told me that I’ll be disappointed. That it’s dirty. That it’s overrated. But I simply don’t care. I really, really, really need to experience it some day. Having  a gondolier serenade me whilst we’re slowly making our way on the canals sounds heavenly to me. A dream come true.


And that’s when the penny dropped. There’s a very strong convergence, between two of my biggest heart’s desires.


KFC’s signature colours are red and white. With some stripes added for good measure. And gondoliers wear red and white, or black and white stripey shirts.


It was fated. The two dreams collided. And forged and even stronger union.


And hence it was written in the stars. A done deal.


The only thing that could possibly be better than going for a gondola ride in Venice, being steered along and serenaded by a gondolier wearing a stripey shirt, would be to have some KFC at the same time.


Heavenly perfection!

Where it all began - the origin

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