My 40th Birthday Bash Volume 1
11 March 2013
I went to the most amazing party a
few weeks ago. It was simply fabulous in
every single way. An added bonus was the
marvellous good fortune that it happened to be mine.
My 40th Birthday, has
been a birthday that has just kept on giving.
It has stretched on seemingly forever.
And even though I turned “the big four oh” on the 10th of
January already, I only had my party on the 22nd of February.
Because here’s the thing. Birthday parties are expensive. Shockingly so and thus I kept on putting the
party off. There are other far more
needy expenses than a spot of frivolous fun.
And even though I knew exactly what I wanted and had sort of planned the
party in my head, I never quite got to the arranging part.
My Grantie though was insistent that
we should have one. My kids, my mom, the
rest of the family and close friends too.
You don’t just let a 40th birthday, sail on by, without a bit
of celebrating. I mean I had so many
resources at my disposal, this surely was very do-able indeed.
Only one place would perfectly
suffice as the party venue. In fact, I
can’t imagine having a party anywhere else.
My grandparents’ home, Cloetenberg.
And they love nothing more than their home being used and for a party to
boot. I was born from Cloetenberg. My mom got married there twice (the family
celebrated her second wedding there – without the bride and groom in
attendance, though we did have a family picnic to celebrate it again – this
time with them in attendance too). My
sister got married there, aunts and uncles, Grant and I too. My kids have their birthday parties
there. We have Christenings, Christmas
concerts, New Year’s Day celebrations, and random picnics in the garden there
too. My Dad’s memorial celebration was
held there and when I was in Grade 7 at Beaumont, we even had our class
farewell there as well.
Furthermore, my family is
abundantly rich with talented musicians.
In fact, you virtually fall over them (and their instruments) at every
And therefore I had already
covered two huge stumbling blocks.
Awesome venue – tick. Incredible
musicians providing live entertainment – tick.
The food didn’t pose much of a problem either, as my grandparents’
domestic worker (it feels like sacrilege calling her that – she’s a second
mother to us all), our beloved Myta, who has been a part of the family for 57
years, offered to make Lasagne. And let
me just tell you. She may cook Lasagne. I have never, in all my forty years, tasted
nicer Lasagne. And if my guests are to
be believed, nor did they.
And then within the space of one
short week, the party of the century was arranged. Just like that. With a minimum of fuss and not lots of
faffing. My talented friend, Gill,
designed the invites to my specifications.
I wanted deep red and lime green with some twirly whirly patterns thrown
in for good measure. And Gill is an
absolute whizz and a very clever gal too.
I loved my invites!
I had my heart set on two very
important details. Well, they were
important to me. I think it’s the little
things that end up making the big difference.
Firstly, I wanted my guests to have a welcoming drink when they
arrived. But the old sherry option is
just so terribly dull. It’s been done
and done and done some more. And thus I
had a little brainwave. After employing
a bit of investigative skills and making a few phone calls, I managed to get a
few trays of little glass Bashew bottles.
You remember Bashew bottles right?
They’re practically part of our heritage. I hauled out my great granny, Ouma Maggie’s
awesome lemon syrup recipe and whipped up a batch of home-made lemon syrup. There is no better cooldrink in all of the
world. Quite conveniently, I had a
bottle of tequila in the cupboard. I simply
got stripey straws and candy striped cord to match. And it was a hardly a big leap to get from
there to lemon-Tequila cocktails. I just
love it when a plan comes together.
Second detail, that I really,
really, really wanted, was a photo booth.
I simply love photos. I love
taking them, looking at them, admiring them, playing with them etc. Of all of my family and friends, I am always
the one recording every single event through photos. My camera is a little mik-en-druk that I’ve
had for nearly six years and it lives in my handbag. Always ready to be hauled out to capture a
memory. I can claim, without a shadow of
a doubt, that my little camera works harder than those belonging to most professional
photographers. I am not a very talented
photographer, by any stretch of the imagination and I am a strong example and
indeed believer of quantity over quality.
I take millions. But the law of
averages are in my favour. If you take
loads, chances are you’ll have at least a few good ones in the mix. I also thought that if we had a photo booth,
with a few select props, it would really create a vibe and atmosphere. People would have fun with it and it would
help to set the tone for a fun and funny evening. It would literally help people to let their
hair down and laugh a bit. And boy it worked. What a huge rip-roaring success it was. Once again, Gill came to the rescue. I simply asked her for a few vinyl stickers
of moustaches, lips, glasses, etc. From
there, I just stuck them onto cardboard, cut them out and added sosatie sticks
for handles. Nothing could be easier. My mom brought a few old banged up picture
frames along as per request, as they really look awesome and provide gorgeous,
well frames, for pics. And Albert tossed
some wigs and hats in a bag that had just recently been used for a photo
shoot. All stuff from my mom’s dress-up
room at Muisnes. Two things, I can’t
explain. Number one – the Iron Man
mask. No idea how that one snuck in. Or who it belongs to. And number two – the multi-coloured wig. That one is actually Cole’s and I think he is
responsible for that one. In fact the
photo booth was such a success, that there was even a queue of people lining up
for it, most of the evening. Absolutely
everyone indulged and had a go. Even quiet
and shy people, took a turn and had fun whilst doing it, if the photos are to
be believed. I need to pay special
tribute to my friend Maryke, who conveniently got a new snazzy camera for her
40th in November. And she absolutely
loved the photo booth too. She has lots
of energy and stood at the photo booth for most of the evening snapping
away. She hyped people up and got them
laughing and indulging in a spot of silliness.
Always good for the soul. Furthermore,
the little stone stool, surrounded by logs, under the crab apple tree in the
garden, provided the perfect back drop and foil for the photos. A natural frame if you like.
The garden looked magical. Simple round tables with white
tablecloths. Dotted with little bottles
of all shapes and sizes, filled with sprigs of greenery from the garden. Tea light candles all over. Fairy lights, lanterns, bunting. Love, laughter, music, even a bit of dancing. Fun, happiness, enjoyment. Awesome food.
Incredible entertainment. An electric
vibe and palpable excitement in the air.
People were relaxed and enjoyed themselves to the full.
In fact, the story of my party is
so good, that I thought it was best shared over two blogs. Furthermore, I have over 700 pics to choose
from, so best I spread the load. And the
ones included here, were taken by Maryke.
My 40th Birthday Bash
Volume 2 will reveal the musical highlights, the curious incident of the inebriated
child, as well as some more awesome pics.
So watch this space.
A friendly warning – if you don’t
like other people’s pic, best you skip this bit. For the rest of you, enjoy. It’s friggin awesome!!! Woohooo!
Oupa and Ouma's garden looking most beautiful - brown paper bags, filled with sand and a long candle, dotted around the garden for ambience and a bit of extra light
Breath taking - even the sundial got a spot of light
The much used photo booth ready for occupation - we had wigs, hats, picture frames, as well as an assortment of lips, moustaches, glasses, etc. What a hit!
I just wanted simple and therefore the table centres were old Bashew and glass Coke bottles, Purity jars filled with candles, tea cups and sprigs of greenery from the garden
I just loved it!
And so the silliness began - JC had the first go. Sporting a bowler hat and a pair of goggly specs.
Drinks on the stoep with Gail and Rinette
My Grantie and I - we only realised way after midnight that he still had his shades on his head. Shame man. He uses it to keep his hair out of his face.
My most beautiful, handsome, gorgeous little Cole Cuddlebug
Ouma's antique candelabras just looked so lovely
Bunting, rose fairy lights, and the digital picture frame
Guests mingling on the stoep - the band area all set up
I love this natural light. Everyone indulging in some potent Lemon Syrup and Tequila cocktails.
The garden all lit up - hazy and slightly out of focus, but how truly beautiful
Let the music begin - my favourite brother (okay, so technically he's my only brother, but still), the one and only Albert Frost. He was sublime as always and I was just so very, very proud of him and felt so priviledged to have him playing.
Albert doing his thing - he was awesome as always
Amber and her best friend in the entire world, Mikayla - they had such a blast in the photo booth
The birthday girl
Maryke is my oldest (well, she IS a month and 10 days older than me) and bestest friend since school days - friends from when I was just 13
Trying to look semi-serious. We simply couldn't pull it off. We giggled like anything!
Maryke looking ever so glam
Gillie, Maryke, Moi
My Gillie and I having a good laugh - we normally do when we're together
My beautiful Gillie
Gill and Pete - simply love, love, love this pic! Awesome friends.
Fabulous piccie
Me with my two youngest sproglets - Amber and Cole
The lovely Morne - it didn't take long for things to go south
Morne, me and the fabulous Mrs Bufe
Hiding in the back, is Marcel (Mr Bufe), sporting a very dashing wig
It was all very funny!
I love our mo's
Karen and I - such an aweome pic
Maryke and I - love it!
Me and my sister, Katjie a.k.a. Katarina. I know - go figure. Two sisters and the one is Katrine and the other is Katarina. For easy reference, the eldest one, Katrine, is simply called Foef. She had some or other feeble excuse as to why she couldn't come to the party. Something about tickets from London being too expensive, blah, blah, blah. Instead she sent her lovely husband to represent her. And though miffed with her absence, I accepted her offer of her husband instead.
Ansie and I
I just loved the lantern look in the garden
Ansie, JC and I
Such a lovely smiley happy pic
Me with Ansie and Karyn - can't even remember why Ansie is laughing so much
Three chicks
Ian - one of Grant's oldest friends from school
Ian's lovely wife Noots
Ian and Noots - such a happy couple
Friends hanging out together
The old fogeys on the stoep enjoying the music and the vibe - double set of grandparents. How lucky am I?
Jan and Katarina enjoying the ever changing photo's on the digital photo frame
Getting ready to serve the main meal - the most delish lasagne you have ever eaten, garlic breads and salads galore
Me and my Marmie - she is my bestie
Me and my Ouma Cathy - my Dad's Mom. Looking absolutely awesome for an 87 year old.
Extreme close-up. I simply ADORE my Mom! Best chick on the planet!
Guests chatting
Foefie's old Sokkie, a.k.a. Robin Auld, my brother-in-law played us some friggin awesome tunes! He's da bomb!
Amber and her umbilically bound twin - they're like peas in a pod
This one was taken especially for Fishbook - the nautical aquatic equivalent of Facebook
Getting the champagne ready for the speeches and toasts
Henry - an old friend, our neighbour and Grant's long suffering lecturer from when he was still in College. He knows my family from way back in the day.
Trishie and I - when I was just 11 years old I was her flowergal and we have a very special bond. She also happens to be the mother of two of my awesome cousins. I love her much!
Albert pouring some champers
Thea and John warming up the dance floor - John has lubricated hips
I can never figure out what is more fun. Watching John and his lubricated hips dancing (he has some awesome moves), or watching his wife, Gail cringing when he does his moves.
Henry and Carol
Robin and Albert did the most amazing set

They are both extremely talented, and somehow just gel together magically
Al, stepping it up a notch
He brought but a measly five guitars along for my birthday party
Sorry, six. Or is actually the usual eight?
My Grantie and I
Some impressive looking pedals
Aaahhh. I love my man.
What a treat!
Guests in awe and spellbound
They are absolutely awesome together and I think part of their magic comes from familiarity with each other's music, a deep friendship and the family bond too - they genuinely like each other and respect one another as musicians
Our resident photographer - Grant having a rare chance to play with my camera
Speeches - my Mom's speech was brilliant and she made us laugh lots
She spoke so beautifully - can hardly believe all the nice things she said were about me
Sadly, I also got a turn
Henry having fun!
Carol unleashing her inner rebel
Everyone simply loved the photo booth - it was busy the entire night with people queueing at times
Such a cute pic!
My uncle Dan and his lovely Jan - she is extremely camera shy, so these pics are an awesome stroke of good luck
Ant - poor Ant lost a tooth just before they arrived at the party, much to his wife Mandy's dismay. He was cautioned to not open his mouth the whole night. Predictably it didn't last long.
I love this one!
Mandy attemping the hide the "horror" of the toothless Ant
Ant is such an awesome guy. The most talented horticulturist with a deep love of nature and animals.
Mandy is like my second Mom. She is my Mom's oldest friend.
Mandy and Linky - we have all had awesome adventures together
Trish and her Adam being silly - love it!
Attempting a slightly more normal look
My cousin Christiaan - he worked like a trojan to help get things ready for the party. What a guy!
JP and Big Jim - who knows exactly what they were up to
They look like they're up to no good - what a surprise - NOT!
Cousins - Christiaan and Adam - pretending to be erudite and ever so French
These are awesome!
Dan with Christiaan
Dan with Jacques
Dan and Christiaan again
My cousin Jacques and his gorgeous, lovely, amazing wife, Candy - we welcomed her to the Lombard Clan last year in February
Jacques and Candice
Brothers - Jacques and Christiaan
Albert and Rob (my stepdad, Daya) - a.k.a. Hardog Frost - they were INCREDIBLE!!!
Brothers - so sweet
Albert and Daya are very funny together. They have amazing chemistry on stage and joke and laugh the whole time. Most entertaining.
Arrgh me hearties - this could well have been their pirate song. It is fabulous!
Then there's the little French number they did too - lots of laughing and puns thrown in for good measure
Enjoying the music - simply astounding talent
Laughing at their antics - awesome double chin pic (not)
Trish and I having a cuddle
Pulling out the big guns - Albert, Robin and Rob on stage together. Or as I like to call them, "My bra, my bra and my pa"
They were cooking!
An absolutely electric set!
Allan and Tanya - Amber's other parents
They loved the photo booth
Too funny!
Amber with her Forrester family
Ouma Cathy and Oom Pietie
They are just sooo cute together
I love all the smiles
Ouma Cathy and I
I love her lots!
These pics are so special to me
Carlo and his little mini-harlem. I dig the wig.
Belinda and Carlo - love it!
The photo frame pics are my best - so awesome!
Violette and Jayne - V rocked the granny wig
This is very funny! Not entirely sure what they're up to here. But knowing V, it's funny.
You've been framed!
Just look how gorgeous! View from the back of the garden.
Oi vey! And then it really got silly. My Gavin - I adore him. He is simply too funny!
Linky and Mandy
Gavin and the lovely Mama-Jack
Gav and Jackie having fun
And then Paul entered the fray and it got even sillier
They're a bunch of hooligans!
Jackie is killing herself laughing! And who can blame her?
Gav took the whole granny wig to a new level and Penny looked awesome in her wig too
Iron Man and Jackie are framed. Gav has a rather bushy beard and Penny is pulling a sexy off the shoulder look.
Gail and her John - such good, good friends
The sillies!
Maryke and her JC
JC going all rockstar on us
Love it!
Jayne and I
I love this pic!
Yes indeed. Even Luke was there. Though he did spend a sizeable portion of the evening hiding from the camera.
Gorgeous, handsome boy!
JC just loved the whole Iron Man mask way too much.
Mingling around the chocolate fountain
And then Daya got hold of the Iron Man mask. He even did the moves. I simply have no words...
JC and Albert having a moment - this laughing pic is so awesome!
Attempting to get the muso's together for a pic
Hamming it up
May I present to you - My Bra, My Bra en My Pa
Daya's beard is rather impressive
Daya with a little mo looked rather funny!
Hey!!! Grant's got hair!!!
Having fun!
What an amazing talented family - three awesome musicians, all related
Daya framed us!
The end!
What a jol! Could be nothing less with such perfect ingredients! So very very sorry to miss it!
ReplyDeleteOk. Have gone through them all - where is the one where I look ten years younger and 20 kg's younger? Did the airbrush not work???
ReplyDeleteHey! Had such an awesome time that night! Thanks for posting lots of photos, you are a legend!
ReplyDeleteI rate you should have another 40th next year, same place, same time, same people!
Hi-Not sure if this post will reach you ,but for so long i have been looking for Thea Day and i saw her in your pics-we were collage friends and i cant find her on fb-can you please be so kind to give Thea my e mail