Friday 21 June 2019

Post 15th Birthday Chill Survival Tales

Post 15th Birthday Chill Survival Tales
21 June 2019

Post 15th birthday chill survival tales. It is possible for 5 boys to eat 20 burgers. The words, "Dude" and "Bra", can with a moderate degree of success be incorporated into the same sentence about 5 times. But a 6th attempt is just one too many. Add 5 boys, 20 burgers, chocolate cake, gassy cooldrink and chips into a fairly small confined space and mix. The result is only going to bed at 4h30 in the morning. Some boys make healthy choices like drinking water instead of gassy drinks and avoid sugar, chocolates and sweets. Weird. Refreshing, but weird.

Boys like dancing. Go figure! Stomping is beeeeeg. Like girls, they also spend a fair amount of time in the bathroom. However it's not habitable thereafter for lengthy stretches of time. Playstation is still popular, but so is bouts of Minecraft, voice noting is king and YouTube videos rule. Inactivity for long periods of time require physical recharging activities such as wrestling, throwing a ball, hand tennis and jumping. At times dangerously high testosterone levels require masculinity tests such as chili eating contests. They really danced after that!

The presence of a mother can occasionally act like truth serum. I have enviably accurate Intel on who sucked face with who at the most recent party. Or is it whom? Occasionally, 2 boys sucked face with the same girl. Though luckily not at the same time. Sometimes the lips were missed entirely, and in true vampire tradition, they headed for the neck. Eeeuuuwww! Don't know if this is a sign of virility? Once again, eeeuuuwww! Oddly enough, the girls in question "proudly" post pics of themselves on social media, sporting their love bite. Most peculiar. Back in the day, chicks used scarves (even in summer), makeup and plasters at a push to cover up hickeys. Cole successfully chatted up a "hot" 17 year old girl at the Mall yesterday, got her number and chatted to her via WhatsApp. Was going swimmingly until he let it slip that it was his 15th birthday. Chatting has ceased. With that girl.

Chains around the necks with locks are VERY in! It's quite acceptable for everyone in a group to wear one. Black is a cool colour. Polo necks have made a comeback. Deep voices travel. Boys don't laugh, they guffaw. Morning walks to the Cafe around the corner include all modes of transport - walking, skateboarding, and if you're The One and Only Cole, hopping on a pogo stick. All the way! Why be normal? Had I made a triple batch of flap jacks for breakfast, they would've polished that too.

Boys can be very, very sweet. Even offering to wipe down a table and pack the dishwasher. Happy to schlep mattresses to and fro. I baked a chocolate cake quite late last night. In my over-zealous attempt to make it look zhoosh with icing and grated white chocolate on top, I tried to turn the warm cake out of the pan too soon. Predictably the cake collapsed. Looked seriously messed up. Patted it back down in the pan again, tried to ice it, but only really succeeded in lifting off the top layer of cake. Giggled a lot, tried to fill the holes with icing and blur the overall effect with grated chocolate, but you could see things had not gone according to plan. One of boys looked kindly at me and said, "You can just say it's meant to be chocolate brownies. It will still taste the same.". And he was not only kind, but right. It was huge and they pretty much devoured it. Straight out of the pan, all gooey and warm chocolatie. Yum!

You can plan a "party" for 2 weeks and it can turn into a production, with half of the kids not being able to attend. Or you can quickly rustle up a birthday chill in less than 24 hours and wing it. No frills, no fuss, and absolutely perfect in every single way. So love being a mom. And soaking up all of these experiences and memories. Being a mom is a blessing and a gift. And a busy house is just my favourite! #momglow

Faces cropped out to protect the fairly innocent...  Twins, right!  Matching polo necks, chains with locks, black jeans,  rolled up (well, duh - obviously), oh and white shoes.  On a side note regarding the chain with the lock, we've had a few near-chipped-tooth-escapes. Locks are helluva heavy.  Not really a good combo for an active young boy, fond of wrestling, hand-tennis, randomly rolling around with the dog, hockey in the garden, excitable games of PlayStation, …

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic Helene!!
    Your wonderful sense of humour and zest for life are such a pleasure! So amazing that you are prepared to share!!
