The bathroom is not a portal to another universe
21 March 2013
Dear Luke, Amber and Cole
I would hereby like to inform
you, that the bathroom is not a portal to another universe.
I don't have a supply of sweets
and snacks in there, that I indulge in, behind your back. Nor do I go there to communicate with the
dead. Or for that matter, watch the
latest Blockbuster releases without you either.
I go there to pee. And yes, occasionally, I do a number two
too. It is a biological necessity. Nay, a vital and fundamental need. One I cannot choose to ignore.
There is no need to bang on the
door. I have not deserted you. And I will indeed emerge again.
Every perceived immediate crises
that you have, can wait until I'm done.
Wanting to know immediately, if you can have a tub of yoghurt before
dinner time, does not fall in the crises category. Nor does your urgent need to share your plans
for your birthday party, nine months ahead either. It will hold.
Unlike my bladder.
I promise I will emerge. And lend you my ears, hands and ability to
cook and drive once more.
Furthermore, I am unable to come
and look that very same instant at the cool thing you want to show me on your
computer game. Nor do I really care. I don't want to hear your Eisteddfod
poem. Or listen to you playing the
piano. And as for your belief, that I
have to come and admire your ability to dribble the soccer ball for the
seventeenth time in one day, right this very instant, I believe you are sadly
I am willing to make one small
concession. In fact I'm woman enough to
admit. I do occasionally only pretend to
need the bathroom, to escape your constant demands. I don't suffer from irritable bowel syndrome
and a bout of incontinence as you might be led to believe by my apparent poor
bladder control.
I escape to the sanctity of my en
suite bedroom, and lock the door behind me.
And I do this only to preserve my sanity. As a brief measure of respite. Your constant pursuit of my continual
attention is draining. And I just need a
little recharge. A mere five minutes of
This is not a luxury. This is of cardinal and absolute
importance. Yes, more important at that
very moment, than your immediate need to show me your cool superhero. The one you've had for over three years and
that I've already seen. Numerous
times. Because I bought it for you. Or your wish for me to sign your school
letter stating you won't be going on the school choir camp. Because you don't indeed belong to the choir. Or your desire to engage me in a discussion
about the merits of an upper body workout as opposed to exercising your glutes.
So in conclusion, my beloved
children. The bathroom is not a portal
to another universe. Occasionally, I
just wish it was.
With lots of love,
PS: If you need me, I’ll be in the bathroom…..
Ag ja, I remember it well.